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My Town Living in TMR Major Projects

Major Projects

Beaumont PPU

Note: This section will be evolving and will contain important information on the Beaumont PPU reflecting the evolution of the consultation process.


The Town of Mount Royal has begun preparing a special planning program (PPU in French) for the Beaumont sector. Council is seeking ideas and comments from all stakeholders to guide its future actions and orientations.


A detailed, long-term planning document for a part of the Town for which significant changes are slated. The PPU sets out a vision and development orientations based on major issues in the area and on citizens’ concerns, needs and expectations.

To discover more about what a PPU is, consult the Quick guide to Special Planning Programs prepared by the Office de consultation publique de Montréal.


Located in the southeast part of the Town, it shares municipal borders with the Outremont and Villeray–Saint-Michel–Parc-Extension boroughs.

Adopted in 2017, the Town of Mount Royal’s Urban Plan (UP) is the planning document that guides the development of the Town’s territory. It classifies the Beaumont sector as a sector to be transformed,” with plans to diversify its activities in the medium and long term. The Beaumont sector is of particular strategic importance due to the proximity of the Acadie metro station and the sector’s location at the entrance to the town. Numerous nearby projects are driving the sector’s revitalization, including Université de Montréal’s MIL Campus and the repair work on the Rockland overpass by the Urban Agglomeration of Montreal. The Town of Mount Royal believes this is an opportune time to consolidate the sector’s development projects with a view to enhancing the economic vitality and quality of life of its citizens.

The Town is therefore beginning planning work to define a vision and development guidelines for the Beaumont sector by developing a Special Planning Program (PPU). The Town wishes to work with all stakeholders involved to take into account the sector’s many challenges and make it a vibrant living environment.

 The PPU Beaumont steps are:

  1. Conceptualizing and developing a portrait of the area;
  2. Public participation process;
  3. Developing the conceptual framework (the vision, the orientations, the objectives and the intervention strategies);
  4. Implementing the regulatory framework and action plan.


At the beginning of April, the Town of Mount Royal, with the help of the professional firm BC2, undertook a planning exercise to define a vision and development orientations for the Beaumont sector through the elaboration of a Special Planning Program (PPU in French).

Within the context of the PPU, the municipal council wanted to encourage citizen participation in order to gather ideas and comments from all stakeholders to guide its future actions and orientations, taking into account the various challenges of this sector to make it a true living environment, in collaboration with all the players involved.

Following the various consultative processes and actions, a working meeting was held between elected officials, the consultant BC2 and Town staff, at which the results of the consultation and public participation activities were presented and discussed.  

April 3, 2024 

  • Business community meeting: Companies located in the area covered by the Beaumont PPU will be invited to a meeting with the business community.

Consult the summary of the meeting 

May 7, 2024

FULL! The maximum number of registrations for the participatory workshop has been reached. Further activities within the context of the Beaumont PPU will take place between now and autumn 2024.

  • Participatory citizen workshop: Citizens will have the opportunity to talk with professionals about the five main themes that will shape the vision for redeveloping the sector.
    • The 5 Themes are: Mobility, Environment, Mixed use and activities and Built environment.
  • See the Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
  • Online survey (available now until May 24, 2024).

Consult the summary of the workshop

Consult the questionnaire summary 

Fall 2024

  • Based on the results of the various public consultation processes and the ensuing analyses, the Town is continuing its work to develop the Beaumont PPU. In the fall of 2024, the public will be invited to attend a public consultation session provided for in the Act respecting land use planning and development, to comment on the draft regulations for the Beaumont PPU.  

See the Beaumont PPU flyer


514 734-3042

Community and Sports Centre (CSC)

N.B. The following names, Community and Sports Centre (CSC) and Recreation Centre, refer to the same future building.

Updated August 21, 2024

Call for bidders

Following analysis of the proposals received for the call for qualification of bidders for a design-build tender for the construction of the sports and community center, here are the four (4) firms that obtained a minimum score of 70% and qualified to bid on the construction of the future CSC. 

The names of the qualified firms were announced at the regular town council meeting of August 20, 2024.

The firms are :

L'Équipe Sports et Communauté VMR ;

Pomerleau inc;

Magil-Tisseur inc;

Construction PCL inc;

The call for proposals for the design-build construction of the sports and community center will be issued in the coming weeks.

Updated July 17, 2024

Call for qualification

Following the opening of the call for qualification of bidders for a design-build tender for the construction of the Community and Sports Center, five (5) firms responded to the call for qualification. The firms were :

L'Équipe Sports et Communauté VMR ;

Pomerleau inc;

Magil-Tisseur inc;

Construction PCL inc;

Ellisdon Corporation.

In addition to meeting the requirements for bidding on the Town's request for qualifications, each bid will be individually evaluated by a selection committee according to a 100-point evaluation grid, including relevance criteria such as experience in carrying out similar projects, the project team and understanding of the contract.

Only contractors with a minimum score of 70% will be qualified to bid on the construction of the future CSC. Note that qualification will be given to a maximum of four (4) bidders.

The Town will send a written Notice of Qualification to qualified and unqualified companies towards the end of August.

To be continued…


Presentation of the CSC

On Thursday, April 25, Mayor Peter J. Malouf, accompanied by Project Director Mr. Jean-Pierre Richard and Recreation Services Director Mr. Kevin Whitehall, hosted a presentation on the progress of the construction project of the Community and Sports Centre (CSC).

In the presence of other members of the municipal council, they provided an update on the features of version 2 of the CSC, the numerous steps taken, and those yet to come regarding this new facility serving the residents. The advantages of implementing the CSC in a design-build mode were explained, as well as the financing scenarios and the schedule.

You can now consult the PowerPoint document and the recording of the CSC presentation evening of April 25.

The project is finally moving forward!

Following public consultation and analysis of the results, Council decided to go ahead with the construction of a new, modern and safe Community and Sports Centre (CSC). It will meet residents' needs for the promotion and practice of a wide range of physical, cultural and community activities.

The guiding principles behind the elected officials' vision and decision are:

  • Responding to citizens’ demands and needs;
  • Conservation some of the initial project components;
  • Maintaining services during the construction with no need to relocate staff;
  • Preserving and enhancing green spaces;
  • Completion of a more cost-effective, better adapted project;
  • Constructing infrastructures for today and tomorrow;
  • Improving the architectural integration on Roosevelt Blvd. 

A first significant milestone

A first step was taken at last May's Council meeting, when Members adopted a resolution to proceed with a call for tenders for a construction-design project.

Mayor Peter J. Malouf had this to say about the future CSC at the opening of the May 16, 2023 regular Council meeting:

"I am pleased to announce tonight that we are taking the first concrete steps towards the realization of this long-awaited infrastructure for our residents. My colleagues at Council and I have been discussing the various options and possibilities for many weeks. We are convinced that the second version (v2) presented during the consultation evenings will best meet the needs and expectations of the residents by being executed in a design-build mode.

Therefore, this evening we mandate the administration to take the required actions to carry out the project. In addition, we approve the bid weighting and evaluating system to launch a call for tenders in a design-build.

So good news! Community and Sports Centre file is progressing and taking shape."

With a concern to keep costs to a minimum, the Council has opted for the design-build approach to build the CSC, which is the main component of the Quartier Sportif & Communautaire.

What is the design-build mode?

Design-build is a turnkey service for the Town. In this mode, the entire mandate is given to the same bidder, who is then responsible for drawing up the plans and specifications, and then proceeding with construction. This is a major advantage, and there are many others:

  • Greater predictability (no unpleasant surprises) ;
  • Greater cost control (no major cost overruns);
  • Acceleration of the schedule by allowing the contractor to propose his own construction methods ;
  • Simplified coordination between the various parties involved;
  • Reduced disputes with the manufacturer and other suppliers.

Recently, the Town hired Jean-Pierre Richard as Project Manager. With his experience in project management, particularly in the municipal sector, and recognized expertise in design-build, Mr. Richard will be an invaluable asset to our municipality in the realization of this infrastructure. In addition, a grant application to obtain financial support for sports and recreational facilities was submitted to the Ministry of Education in early December 2023. A response to this application is expected in 2024.

What is the preliminary project schedule* for building the CSC?

  1. June 2023: Call for tenders for professionals to prepare the Functional and Technical Program (FTP), i.e. the document that precisely defines our requirements (first step of a design-build project).
  2. Summer 2023: Preparation of the FTP and performance specification.
  3. Spring 2024: Request for qualification for design-build mandate.
  4. Summer 2024: Call for concept bids for design-build mandate..
  5. Fall 2024: Award of design-build contract.
  6. Spring 2025: Start of construction.
  7. Fall 2027: Completion of work.
  8. Spring 2028: Commissioning.

*This is a preliminary schedule that may be changed.

To find out more about the Community and Sports Centre, please consult on a regular basis the Frequently asked questions.

Quartier sportif et communautaire (including the CSC construction)

The Sport Centre, as originally conceived and proposed by the previous administration, received bids at $88-94M, far exceeding the project budget alloted by the Town.

However, the new Town Council is committed to assuring new sports facilities for the Town, including the promised indoor swimming pool.

The Council will proceed with a strategic and fiscally sound approach that meets the needs of residents and preserves the town’s precious green space. This is the majority priority of Council.

Residents are informed of project progress updates as they become available.

See the page on Quartier sportif et communautaire

Royalmount Project

The current Council will not consider any rezoning of the Royalmount industrial sector to include residential development.

However, the commercial component of Carbonleo's Royalmount project is now open to the public, and the pedestrian bridge linking the Royalmount project to the De la Savane metro station is now accessible.

Rockland PPU

By-law 1440-1 to modify the zoning and urban density of Rockland Sector as proposed by the previous administration has expired without effect.

Any change to the vision of the Rockland Sector will only be considered as part of a future thoroughly developed, integrated citizen-driven 10-20 year Urban Plan for the town.


Mayor Peter Malouf will continue to strongly advocate on behalf of residents to mitigate the impact of this project on the TMR community.

See the REM page to learn more.

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