The term "Quartier" refers to a group of sports and recreational facilities and municipal buildings grouped together in the existing Danyluk Park quadrilateral. The main finding is that many of the municipal facilities located in this district are obsolete and will have to be replaced sooner or later.
Council's vision for the Quartier Sportif & Communautaire (QSC) proposes solutions involving phased planning over several years, in order to stagger and spread the cost of the various investments. This approach will also optimize the resources required and limit the negative impact on users, and all residents more broadly.
At the heart of the QSC is the construction of a new Community and Sports Centre (Recreation centre) with gymnasium and indoor pool, to replace the current "REC" building, which has exceeded its capacity for over 15 years, with the result that it no longer meets the needs and desires of the community.
Based on the vision of members of Council and following extensive public consultation, the QSC project will unfold in various phases.
To learn more about the progress of the project, which will improve the Town of Mount Royal's infrastructure over the long term, we invite you to consult the sections below regularly:
All news about the Quartier sportif & communautaire are added below, from the most recent to the oldest one:
At the heart of the Quartier Sportif & Communautaire's vision is the construction of a new Community and Sports Centre (Recreation Centre), which will feature an indoor pool, gymnasium, multi-purpose and training rooms, art studios and space for our community groups, to replace the current REC building.
The needs are real and pressing; the REC has exceeded its capacity for more than 15 years, and waiting lists for activities continue to grow. The proposed new Center responds to the aspirations and needs of all Townies: families, young people, parents, seniors, active retirees, sports lovers, arts and culture enthusiasts, and so on.
In the longer term, Council's vision also calls for improvements to the neighbourhood's infrastructure, such as :
On February 1 and 2, 2023, members of Council held two public presentations of this vision. Over 400 people attended the live presentations, either in person or online.
For anyone interested in finding out more, please see below:
These presentations were followed by a public consultation to better understand residents needs.
In fact, an online survey and a dedicated e-mail address were set up for several weeks, enabling residents to express their opinions and suggestions to members of Council.
Residents responded in large numbers to the invitation, which led to the tabling of a consultation report on the Quartier Sportif & Communautaire, produced by the Morin Relations Publiques firm that had been commissioned for this purpose.
To find out more, please consult the following section "Consultation report on the QSC".
The Town of Mount Royal has mandated the firm Morin Relations Publiques to carry out an information and consultation campaign with the Townies to better understand their needs in terms of sports and community infrastructures within the Town and to better understand their expectations of their elected officials with regard to the construction of a new Community and Sports Centre (Recreation centre), The Town of Mount Royal has mandated the firm Morin Relations Publiques to carry out an information and consultation campaign with the Townies to better understand their needs in terms of sports and community infrastructures on the territory of the Town and to better understand their expectations of their elected officials with regard to the construction of a new Community and Sports Centre (Recreation Centre).
In a nutshell, the sample totals 1,090 people who participated in one or more of the consultation actions between February 1 and March 5, 2023.
The main observations are:
Read the full report in pdf format. (French only)
See our section for the latest updates on CSC.
The first video is presented by Mayor Peter J. Malouf, District 7 Councillor Sébastien Dreyfuss and Recreation, Culture and Community Activities, Director Kevin Whitehall. It summarizes the Quartier Sportif & Communautaire project.
The second video is presented by Mayor Peter J. Malouf and District 7 Councillor Sébastien Dreyfuss. It summarizes the conclusions of the public consultation.