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Services Residents Municipal By-laws

Municipal By-laws

For your convenience, this page provides a comprehensive list of all currently enforced municipal by-laws, which will acquaint you with the regulations applicable to the Town's territory.

The Town Council reserves the right to amend, abolish, or replace by-laws at any time. In the case of a discrepancy between the online publication and the original version held at the Town Clerk's Office, the latter shall be deemed authoritative.

The administrative consolidations and by-laws published on this site are provided for information purposes only. For all legal purposes, readers should refer to the official version of the Town’s by-laws, which may be obtained through an access-to-information request.

Would you like information on applying for permits and urban planning?

For further assistance, please contact the Urban Planning and Development Division at 514-734-3042. Alternatively, you can refer to the pages below for additional information.

Permits for residents Permits for businesses

By-law No. 1312 Minor Variances

This by-law sets out the procedures to follow in submitting an application for a minor variance, wich is useful for owners seeking to sell their property despite its non-compliance with an urban planning by-law.

Consult the By-law

By-law No. 1323 Concerning the Distribution of Circulars

This by-law pertains to the distribution of leaflets, ads, newspapers, notices, brochures, business cards, prospectuses, etc., within the Town of Mount Royal and sets rules and times for doing so. This by-law also pertains to door-to-door solicitation.

Consult the By-law

By-law No. 1340 Concerning the Management and Protection of Cats and Dogs

This by-law regulates the annual obtaining of a license by owners of cats and dogs, among other things. It also lists places where animals are not permitted on the territory and constrains certain practices regarding the sale of pets in specialized stores.

Since 2020, municipalities are required to enforce the provisions of the provincial by-law to promote the protection of persons by establishing a framework with regard to dogs. This regulation contains minimum mandatory standards that may directly affect you. Therefore, to ensure that you are aware of all the rules applicable to a dog and its care, you should consult not only By-law No. 1340, but also the provincial Regulation available below.

Consult the By-lawConsult the Provincial Regulation

By-law No. 1358 Concerning the Selective Collection of Recuperable Secondary Materials and Refuse Collection

This by-law defines, for all categories of buildings in TMR, rules for the disposal, collection schedule and storage of household and commercial refuse, recuperable materials, hazardous household waste (HHW), bulky waste, yard trimmings and kitchen waste, construction refuse, etc.

Consult the By-law

By-law No. 1380 Concerning Sanitation, Safety, Peace and Order

This by-law promotes the well-being of residents on a collective basis, on private property and in public spaces. It covers, for instance, nuisances caused by noise, unwanted commercial practices and inadequate sanitation and maintenance of buildings.

Consult the By-law

By-law No. 1383 regarding operating licenses for certain commercial activities

This by-law targets public auctions, the sale of Christmas trees, professional gardening and snow removal services, and mobile canteens.

Consult the By-law

By-law No. 1384 with Respect to Traffic Control Devices

This by-law provides specific information on matters of parking, access ramps and speed limits on public roads.

Make sure to consult also its various appendices (French only), assembled in one single document.

Consult the By-law

By-Law No.1404-24 Concerning Taxation of the Town of Mount Royal for the Fiscal Year 2024

This By-law provides everything you need to know about Town of Mount Royal taxation. It includes information on general property taxes, coefficient, interest rate, penalty, due dates, terms of payment and administrative charges.

Consult the By-law

By-law No. 1407 Concerning Idling Control

This by-law restricts the allowable idling time for all motor vehicles in TMR, including the municipal fleet. It provides certain exceptions, however, including for emergency vehicles and taxis.

Consult the By-law

By-law No. 1415 Concerning Budgetary Control and Monitoring

This by-law establishes the rules of budgetary control and monitoring that all Town officers and employees concerned shall follow.

Consult the By-law

By-law No. 1417 Concerning the Municipal Library

This By-law sets some rules regarding the municipal library. In particular, this By-law addresses membership, charges and fees, and also the powers of the head of Library Division.

Consult the By-law

By-law No. 1419 Water Supply

This by-law sets out the conditions applicable to the supply of drinking water to residents and their use of it. It also sets the water consumption rates and establishes the rules governing water meters and billing. It contains, among other things, the hours permitted for the watering of lawns.

Consult the By-law

By-law No. 1421 to Govern Filming Permits

This by-law stipulates that no person may carry out or undertake a filming project in Mount Royal without having obtained the required permit, for which conditions of issuance and fees are established.

Consult the By-law

By-Law No.1426 Concerning Fire Safety

Consolidation of By-Law no. 1426 concerning fire safety.

Consult the By-law

By-Law No.1429 on the code of ethics and good conduct of municipal employees of the Town of Mont-Royal

Consolidation of By-Law no. 1429 on the code of ethics and good conduct of municipal employees of the Town of Mont-Royal.

Consult the By-law

By-law No. 1432 on Snow Removal

This by-law regulates relations between the Town, its residents and snow removal contractors. It specifies the conditions of obtaining a permit by the contractor and makes mandatory the installation of an identification post next to any location where he shall carry out snow removal. Please visit the Snow removal section to learn more.  

Consult the By-law

By-law No. 1433 Limiting the Propagation of the Emerald Ash Borer

This by-law aims to limit the spread of the emerald ash borer in the Town. It contains important information about the felling, cutting and handling of ash trees and the management of ash wood.

Consult the By-law

By-law No. 1434 with Respect to the Planning Advisory Committee

This by-law sets out the rules for the composition and the activities of the Planning Advisory Committee, including rules of conduct.

Consult the By-law

By-law No. 1435 Governing the Demolition of Immovables

This by-law sets out the rules that owners are to follow before carrying out the complete or partial demolition of a building located within the Town's territory. It also regulates the workings of the Demolition Review Committee.

Consult the By-law

By-law No. 1436 Concerning Pesticide Use

This by-law forbids the general use and application of pesticides outside buildings, but lists and explains a few exceptions having to do with infestations or the use of biological control agents, among other things. It also sets conditions to the issuing of a temporary pesticide permit.

Consult the By-law

By-Law No.1438 Concerning the Internal Governance of Council

Consolidation of By-Law no. 1438 Concerning the Internal Governance of Council.

Consult the By-law

By-law No. 1439 Concerning the Delegation of Powers to Officers and Employees

This by-law allows Council to delegate certain powers to officers and employees, including in contractual matters.

Consult the By-law

By-law No. 1440: Planning Program

This by-law depicts the Town territory, presents development proposals and outlines the major land use areas and the organization of the major transport networks. (French only)

Consult the By-law

By-law No. 1441 Concerning Zoning

This by-law determines which uses are allowed in any given sector, as well as the restrictions that apply to that sector with respect to setbacks, height, volume and building area. (French only)

Make sure to consult also our zoning map and land-use grids.

Consult the By-law

By-law No. 1442 Subdivision

This by-law regulates all cadastral operations on the territory and, among other topics, deals with issues of servitudes and acquired rights. (French only)

Consult the By-law

By-law No. 1443 Building

This by-law regulates the construction, modification and demolition of any assembled structure located within Mount Royal’s town limits. (French only)

Consult the By-law

By-law No. 1444 Permits and Certificates

This by-law details the procedure for obtaining a permit or a certificate of authorization. (French only)

Consult the By-law

By-law No. 1445 Concerning the Service Fees for Oath-taking

This by-law establishes the terms and conditions of the Oath of Allegiance service offered by the City to its residents.

Consult the By-law

By-law No. 1447 Concerning Pawnshops and Establishments Dealing in Second-Hand Goods

This by-law defines constraints and obligations specific to pawnshops and establishments dealing in second-hand goods in Mount Royal.

Consult the By-law

By-law No. 1449 Regarding Site Planning and Architectural Integration

This by-law is based on esthetic criteria and helps ensure the character of the Town’s built environments is maintained in keeping with the original architectural styles. (French only)

Consult the By-law

By-law No. 1450 concerning the rate of transfer duties applicable to transfers whose basis of imposition exceeds $500,000

This by-law determines the rate of duties for the transfer of immovable property according to the parts of the basis of imposition.

Consult the By-law

By-Law No. 1455 Concerning the Remuneration Paid to Council Members for 2019 and Subsequent Years

Annual remuneration, indexation, expense allowance, participation to committees.

Consult the By-law

By-law No. 1456 Concerning Solid-Fuel Heating and Cooking Devices and Fireplaces

This by-law prohibits the indoor use of any appliance or fireplace that allows the use of solid fuel, except for a stove or fireplace that has been certified by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), with an emission rate of fine particles of 2.5 g/h or less.

Solid fuel auxiliary heaters already present may not be used when a smog alert is in effect for the Montreal area.

Preventive Chimney Sweeping: Annual Compensation Program

Town Council offers owners who have had their chimney swept as a preventive measure the opportunity to receive a $10 compensation payment. To receive this compensation, please bring the original invoice bearing the contractor’s name and logo to the service counter at Town Hall. Please note that you must make your request for compensation before December 31 and that only one compensation payment will be made per address per year.

Consult the By-law

By-Law No. 1458 on Contract Management

This by-law establishes rules pertaining to contract management and promotes competition in order to obtain the best possible prices, while also taking into consideration the quality of the goods and services offered, delivery deadlines and supplier reliability.

Consult the By-law

By-law no. 1460 concerning municipal works agreements

This By-law concerns municipal works agreements.

Consult the By-law

By-Law No. 1461 to Divide the Town’s Territory into Eight Electoral Districts

This by-law describes and bounds the eight electoral districts within the Town of Mount Royal. It includes a map.

Consult the By-law

By-law No. 1464 Concerning the Code of Ethics and Good Conduct for the Elected Officials of Town of Mount Royal

As required by the Municipal Ethics and Good Conduct Act, this by-law specifies the rules of conduct and control procedures for Mount Royal elected officials concerning conflicts of interest, whether during or after their term of office.

Consult the By-law

By-Law No. 1465 Governing the Terms of Publication of Public Notices

This By-law outlines the terms of publication of Public Notices.

Consult the By-law

By-Law No. 1467 Concerning the Maintenance and Occupation of Buildings

This by-law is to establish minimum occupation and maintenance standards for buildings on the territory of Town of Mount Royal.

Consult the By-law

By-law No. 1468 on Public Domain Occupancy Permits

Occupancy of the public domain. Declaratory and interpretative provisions, conditions of occupation, temporary occupancy, fee structure and penal provisions.

Consult the By-law

By-law No. 1469 Creating a Financial Reserve to Finance Major Expenses and the Replacement of the Royalmount Footbridge

A financial reserve shall be created hereunder for the purpose of creating a reserve fund for financing major repairs to and the replacement of the Footbridge. The planned amount of said reserve is estimated not to exceed $26,500,000 in constant dollars, with fiscal 2023 as the reference period.

Consult the By-law

Rules of the Community Garage Sale

Community Garage sale are held once a year, usually in May. All interested parties are required to register in advance, and to comply with the regulations.

We invite you to consult the rules for the Community Garage Sale as well as the garage sale plan for 2023.

Steps to follow to register for the community garage sale

Consult the steps

For any additional information, please contact the Recreation Center at 514 734-2928.

Consult the Rules

By-law No. E-2401 to Authorize Capital Expenditures and a Loan of $350,000 for Municipal Buildings Maintenance

Council shall be authorized to spend $350,000 in capital expenditures for the maintenance of municipal buildings.

Consult the By-law

By-law No. E-2402 to Authorize Capital Expenditures and a Loan of $1,335,000 for the Acquisition of Vehicles and Equipment

Council shall be authorized to spend $1,335,000 in capital expenditures for the acquisition of vehicles and rolling equipment for Public Security and Publics works.

Consult the By-law

By-law No. E-2403 to Authorize Capital Expenditures and a Loan of $11,350,000 for Municipal Infrastructure Work

Council shall be authorized to spend $11,350,000 in capital expenditures for the construction, repair and resurfacing of streets and sidewalks, for the reforestation along the railroad line, for the repairs to the Laird Bridge and the Autoroute 40 service road bridge, and repairs to a viaduct on the Côte-de-Liesse service road, up to a maximum of $11,350,000.

Consult the By-law

By-law No. E-2405 to Authorize Capital Expenditures and a Loan of $2,025,000 for Park Work

Council shall be authorized to spend $2,025,000 in capital expenditures for park work.

Consult the By-law

By-law No. E-2406 to Authorize Capital Expenditures and a Loan of $842,000 for the Purchase of Computer Equipment

Council shall be authorized to spend $842,000 in capital expenditures for the purchase of computer equipment.

Consult the By-law

By-Law No. E-2407 to Authorize Capital Expenditures and a Loan of $70,000,000 for The Construction of a Community and Sports Centre

Council shall order the work to construct a community and sports centre on lot 1 681 690 of the Quebec cadastre, property of the Town of Mount Royal, as described in the detailed estimate prepared by Mr. Jean-Pierre Richard, engineer, dated April 23, 2024. 

Consult the By-law